North Carolina State University
Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
Raleigh, NC 27695
Recently Funded Projects
Landscape evolution
Collaborative Research: Transient landscapes, temporally variable erosion rates, and the impact of glaciation and climate change on landscape morphodynamics; NSF EAR-1123643
Collaborative Research: Neotectonics and Structural Development of the Northern Walker Lane; NSF EAR-1419789
Collaborative Research: Continuation and Termination of Karakorum and Karakax Faults in Western Tibet: Implications for the Role of Regional Strike-Slip Faults in Orogenic Belts; NSF EAR-0910759
Earthquake Geology
Collaborative Research with University of South Florida and University of Cincinnati: Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating for determining slip rates along Calico fault, Eastern California Shear Zone; NEHRP
Collaborative Research with University of Nevada, Reno and University of Cincinnati: 10Be Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating for determining slip rates of normal faults in the Lake Tahoe Basin; NEHRP
Collaborative Research with University of Nevada, Reno and University of Cincinnati: Cosmogenic and OSL dating for determining slip rates of normal faults near Reno; NEHRP